[TRANS] 190131 f(Sulli) = Instagram Update: “I can’t seem to fall asleep 🐣 Peaches who still haven’t gone to sleep?🍑”

I woke up… I can’t seem to fall asleep 🐣 Peaches who still haven’t gone to sleep?🍑

Trans by hearteumi@functionlove.net. Take out with credits, if translating to another language please link back to functionlove.net. Thanks.

[TRANS] 190130 f(Sulli) = Instagram Update: “This is the song Jinri liked the most in 2008”

Those of you who remember this song~ This is the song Jinri liked the most in 2008 keukeu I found it while looking through my diary 🐥🐥🐥🐥

Trans by hearteumi@functionlove.net. Take out with credits, if translating to another language please link back to functionlove.net. Thanks.