[NEWS] Sisters Jessica-Krystal, Revealing their Lives in Real Variety Show ‘Cover Girl’

Idol sisters SNSD’s Jessica (25) and f(x)’s Krystal (20) are going to reveal their shocking lives.

According to multiple broadcast representatives on the afternoon of April 1st, a reality program showing Jessica and Krystal’s daily lives on cable channel Onstyle is currently being produced.

One representative said “Sisters Jessica and Krystal’s never-before seen daily lives are being prepared to be revealed. It is also planned to show their extraordinary fashion style in this program”, drawing more expectations.

Two people’s ordinary interests will be revealed while showing unseen everyday life in their home, apart from their usual gorgeous appearance on stage;  sisters Jessica and Krystal’s special sisterhood and tender appearance will be shown to fans for the first time as well.

‘Cover Girl’ is scheduled in air in early May, but a concrete date and amount of episodes hasn’t been decided yet. An 11PM airing is most likely.

Source: mydaily

Trans by hearteumi@functionlove.net. Take out with credits, if translating to another language please link back to functionlove.net. Thanks.

MBN said they shot their promotional pictures in a studio in Shinsa-dong today and that it’ll air on May 6th~

Note: this translation was done as practice, there can be a few mistakes out there so if you can point out any i’d be grateful~