[NEWS PICS] 190124 f(Luna) = At SBS for Cultwo Show [22P]

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Continue reading “[NEWS PICS] 190124 f(Luna) = At SBS for Cultwo Show [22P]”

[TRANS] 190124 f(Luna) = Instagram Updates: “Lulu let’s go compose again, what kind of song will this one turn out to be..?”


Lulu let’s go compose again, what kind of song will this one turn out to be..? he


How is Lulu’s styling today, Jjihyang!?


Today work hard promoting #Luna #EvenSo on #CultwoShow @realbigvirus Come out !! 🤩❤️

Trans by hearteumi@functionlove.net. Take out with credits, if translating to another language please link back to functionlove.net. Thanks.