[TRANS] 190220 f(Luna) = Luna’s Alphabet Community Tab Update

Hello~! I’m Lu PD&writer❤Luna will be doing a live~!! This Friday at 8PM!! This week I’ll formally receive everyone’s stories on viewable radio~ I’m planning to choose 5 stories out of the ones sent and talk about them, so please send lots and lots of stories~ Well then, see you Friday!!~

<How to send the stories>

Subjects: spring, warmth, love, pain

1) Choose one of the topics and write your story about it

2) Send them either through Luna’s Instagram DMs or on the Youtube community tab~

※ When you write your stories, indicate that it’s for Alphabet at the top

Here‘s the community tab

Trans by hearteumi@functionlove.net. Take out with credits, if translating to another language please link back to functionlove.net. Thanks.